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“Granny Wasn’t Grinning That Day”

Song by Ray Charles

Appears on

1966: Ray's Moods

There’s no goofier moment on a Ray Charles record than the short novelty song “Granny Wasn’t Grinning That Day”. From his 1966 album Ray’s Moods, Ray’s mood was clearly very light and humorous when it came to choosing this song. “Granny Wasn’t Grinning That Day” alternates between a chorus of male backing singers, over a finger-snapped rhythm and nothing else, imploring Ray (by name) with curt chants to tell them how Granny reacted to a recent slight. When Ray answers the band comes in with him, all punchy and bright R&B. His answer, as can be inferred from the song’s title: Granny was decidedly upset and began exacting revenge on her tormenters.

Listen to “Granny Wasn’t Grinning That Day”

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